
原名:欢乐颂   又名:Ode to Joy

状态:刘涛王凯靳东众咖飚戏   更新:2024-05-26 04:05:45

国际大都会上海,霓虹闪烁,人头攒动。多少年轻人从四面八方云集十里洋场,追寻着似乎触手可及的事业、爱情和梦想。在一个名为“欢乐颂”的小区,居住着五个年龄相仿的女孩子,分别是合租一套房的供职外企的“胡同公主”樊胜美(蒋欣饰 )、家境良好的乖乖女关雎尔(乔欣 饰)、来自小城市的普通上班族邱莹莹(杨紫 饰),另外还有集美貌、智商事业于一身的海归女安迪(刘涛 饰)和古灵精怪的富二代曲筱绡(王子文 饰)。俗话说“三个女人一台戏”,更何况是五个有着不同性格、背景和人生经历的青春女孩。她们相互碰撞,彼此依偎,共同讲述了繁华城市中女孩子们的奋斗物语……   本片根据阿耐的同名小说改编。A Chinese drama about five women who live on the 22nd floor of an apartment complex in Shanghai called Ode To Joy. An Di (Liu Tao) is an incredibly successful though somewhat antisocial and reclusive businesswoman who moved to Shanghai from New York in order to find her long-lost brother. Qu Xiao Xiao (Wang Zi Wen) is a somewhat spoiled girl from a wealthy family and 25-year-old woman just starting her career. Fang Sheng Mei (Jiang Xin) a stylish HR executive in a multinational corporation trying to shed her poor upbringing and make her way in the big city. Qiu Ying Ying (Andy Yang Zi) is a small town girl trying to learn how life in the city works and one of the youngest of the five women. Guan Ju Er (Bridgette Qiao Xin) A very studious young woman who is just graduated from college and completing an internship at a multinational corporation. Each has something they can learn from the others and these women develop strong friendships that they come to depend on. (Can be viewed subtitled at Viki.com)
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