萨拉·格雷在片中饰演一名女演员,遭到了坏人的绑架(尼尔·马斯克尔),而伊利亚·伍德饰演的角色试图通过她在网络上遗留下来的痕迹,来找到她并救出她。影片的特别之处在于其全部镜头都是通过电脑摄像头、手机摄像头、监视器等现实生活中处处可见的视频工具拍摄而成。An actress named Jill refuses to have dinner with Nick, a fan who won a date with her in an Internet contest. In return, a guy named Chord, posing as Jill's campaign manager, helps Nick to follow in the footsteps of the actress from his own computer. Nick starts a game in which he realizes that he is only a puppet into the maniacal plans devised by Chord, to hunt down the star.