自《那夜的妻子》后已没见这么绝望的小津。战后作品中,只这一部发生在严寒的冬季,亦只这么一部,探往破碎家庭那缺去的一员。已出嫁的大女儿没法与丈夫相处,回到父亲的家寻找避难所;未出嫁的二女儿忽然怀了孩子,夜夜到夜店等候负心汉的出现。与父亲下属私奔多年的母亲,突然闯进两女儿的生活,可二女儿打掉孩子后,再没法承受残酷的现实。戏剧化的故事在小津晚期作品中不多见,但低调的处理手法炮制了不少经典场面。母亲在辞别东京的列车上不断探头张望女儿一幕,几乎预见老人晚境将至的凄凉。豁达面对生命,是小津往后作品的出路。Two sisters live with their father. The younger sister is embroiled in an affair and becomes pregnant. The elder sister has run away from her husband and returned with her child to her parent's home. Both sisters are astonished when their mother, long thought dead, turns up alive. The sisters are even more stunned when they learn what their mother's life has been.