美国南北战争时期,在马萨诸塞州生活着马奇一家。马奇先生(田中崇 音)随军赶赴战场,于是留下太太(坪井章子 音)和四个性格各异、美丽善良的女儿打理家中的一切。大姐梅格(高木ゆう子 音)娴熟文静,他与劳伦斯孙子的家庭教师约翰互许忠心;二女儿乔(小山茉美 音)泼辣热情,立志成为一名作家;贝恩(潘恵子 音)和爱米(川島千代子 音)一个喜爱弹琴,一个喜欢绘画,他们和邻居劳伦斯先生(北川米彦 音)互相扶助,相伴走过困难的战争时期,共同经历着人生的喜怒哀乐,起承转合…… 本片根据美国作家路易莎•奥尔科特(Louisa May Alcott)同名经典小说改编。Louisa May Alcott's autobiographical account of her life with her three sisters in Concord, Massachusetts in the 1860s. With their father fighting in the American Civil War, sisters Jo, Meg, Amy and Beth are at home with their mother, a very outspoken women for her time. The story tells of how the sisters grow up, find love and find their place in the world.