
原名:Poirot: The ABC Murders   又名:大侦探波罗系列之ABC谋杀案

状态:1080P   更新:2023-08-25 02:08:40

一个比波罗更强调秩序的人出现了。三个字母,三个地点,三宗凶案,三具尸体。 A代表第一个被谋杀的人,地点在以A开头的安道威城。B代表第二个被勒死的人,地点在以B开头的伯克斯希尔。C代表第三个被谋杀的人,地点在以C开头的帝尼•带文赛尔村庄。在每具尸体旁边都放着一份ABC三个地方的地图复印件,并都特意翻到了相关的页面。 就在警察忙得团团转时,第四个字母D出现了,波罗必须帮助警方赶在凶案发生之前找到可怜的计杀目标…… 无可否认,这是波罗所遭遇的最高明的凶手之一,但他显然也同那些出色的同行们一样,犯了一个致命的错误挑战战无不胜的波罗……Hastings returns to Britain after a long absence to find Poirot anxious for a new case which will challenge his gray cells. Poirot quickly gets his wish in the form of taunting letters from a serial killer who has dubbed himself ABC and who leaves an ABC railroad schedule at the scene of each crime. The victims as well as the crime scenes appear to be chosen randomly, but maintain an obsessive adherence to alphabetical order. However, Poirot grows to believe that the killer is not the madman the authorities believe, but a methodical murderer with a very tangible motive.
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