是,首相 第二季

原名:Yes, Prime Minister   又名:

状态:第8集   更新:2024-05-26 03:05:35

理论告诉我们权力越大,责任也越大;   常识告诉我们事情越多,麻烦也越多;   经验则告诉我们政治问题揭开总有个内幕,内幕揭开还有个黑幕...   我们的老熟人, 行政事务部(DAA)大臣吉姆哈克上位成功了! 在公务员体系的化身, 内阁秘书汉弗莱阿普比爵士和走钢丝大师, 私人秘书伯纳伍利同学辅佐下, 经过三年艰苦磨练(磨蹭和训练), 哈克终于入主唐宁街十号, 成为英国首相!   明暗之间棋逢对手, 新老问题此起彼伏, 首相的政治生涯之精彩, 注定不亚于大臣. 于是, 让我们紧密团结在这三位老朋友周围, 走进白厅这一变幻莫测的舞台吧~When the Employment Secretary proposes moving large numbers of military units to the North as a way of creating local employment the PM sees it as a win-win. Not only would it create jobs, but the cost of the move would easily be recouped by selling off the more expensive properties in the south of England. The Civil Service is aghast and it's left to Sir Humphrey to sort out the mess. In addition to presenting a report to the PM showing that there are few savings to be had in the move, he also suggests that the Employment Secretary may out to get Hackers job, which causes the PM to re-evaluate his support for the plan.
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