故事以20世纪70年代日本静冈清水市为背景,这里生活着快乐而幸福的樱一家。樱桃子(小丸子)是家中最小的女儿,她贪玩懒惰,还迷迷糊糊,经常惹得妈妈和姐姐大发雷霆。不过身边有个没正形儿的父亲和溺爱她的爷爷,倒让小丸子的生活不致于太无聊。尤其是爷爷,祖孙俩在一起可没少闹笑话。 学校里,小丸子还有一班性格各异的好朋友:最最亲近的小玉、超级自恋的花轮、骄傲自大的班长丸尾、阴森如背后灵的野口、搞笑的乐天派滨崎、脑袋如洋葱说话刻薄的永泽……和这些人在一起,小丸子的生活每天都充满了乐趣!An animated series following the life of young Maruko Sakura, as she grows up with her parents, grandparents and elder sister. In most episodes, Maruko and her friends hatch odd schemes and grand plans inspired by some story they hear from Maruko's grandfather. Things don't often turn out the way they'd hoped, but she and her friends always come back to try again.