皇家国教骑士团 OVA

原名:Hellsing Ultimate   又名:地狱之歌 / 厄夜怪客

状态:完结   更新:2024-05-26 04:05:51

在一次对治某村庄食尸鬼的超自然事件时,平凡女警女警西洛斯·维多利亚遭到袭击,奄奄一息,关键时刻吸血鬼杀手阿尔卡特出现,铲除食尸鬼,并将西洛斯变成了吸血鬼的一员,她顺理成章也接触到了阿尔卡特背后的神秘组织,即为维护英国基督新教、与反基督怪物作战的皇家国教骑士团(Hellsing),在现任当家伊塔古拉·方布鲁克·维英格茨·赫尔辛的率领下,他们接手一桩桩危险且阴谋重重的任务。在这一过程中,与食尸鬼有关的事件层出不穷,死后背后有另一个神秘组织正在策划惊天阴谋。梵蒂冈特务局第十三课Iscariot机关局长安利哥•马克斯威尔、安德鲁森神父等重要人物相继现身,为了保护英国本土和基督新教,第九次十字军成立,而他们的对手则是纳粹余孽少校所率领的1000头食尸鬼组建的千禧年大军。   伦敦上空阴云密布,前所未有的正邪之战拉开序幕……In flashback, Integra is seen assuming leadership of the Hellsing organization as she resolves a conflict with her uncle with the help of the vampire Alucard. In present day, Alucard goes on a mission to the town of Cheddar to silence a vampiric priest who has been killing townspeople, and in the process must also present the young police girl Seras Victoria with the choice to either die or become a vampire. Also, Alucard battles a Vatican priest named Alexander Anderson after they are both sent to kill the same vampire in Northern Ireland.
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