
原名:Cocktail   又名:花心情圣

状态:正片   更新:2024-05-26 12:05:25

汤姆·克鲁斯在片中饰演一名在事业上野心勃勃的年轻大学生,企图在纽约的商界出人头地,但在找工作时到处碰壁,只好临时委屈自己当酒保。在调酒老手布赖恩·布朗的调教下,汤姆竟然成为纽约酒吧界的顶尖酒保,大受客户的欢迎,而且得到美女伊丽莎白·舒的青睐。他是否甘愿就此平凡过一生...After leaving the Army, Brian Flanagan tries to get a marketing job in New York City. But without a college degree, this was not possible. He then decides to start studying for a business degree at the local City College and gets a part time job as a bartender. He realizes that its not that easy, but his new boss Douglas Coughlin teaches him the secrets of the bar trade and they become the most famous bartenders in town. Both Brian and Doug Coughlin want their own top class cocktail bars someday and Brian's Cocktail Bar is to be called 'Cocktails & Dreams'. Inorder to get the necessary money to open it, Brian travels to Jamaica to work as a bartender at a resort Tiki Bar, and the pay is good. There he meets Jordan Mooney, a young and pretty, up and coming American artist on vacation with her girlfriend from New York City, staying at the Island resort. Jordan and Brian spend some quality time together and fall in love. But Brian takes a dare from his old buddy, Doug Coughlin to sleep with an older woman, who is also staying at the resort. Jordan, herself the daughter of wealthy parents back in New York City, leaves the Island overnight, after seeing Brian and the older woman together after closing... Will Jordan ever forgive Brian and will they get back together?
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