托尼奖得主哈维·费斯特恩将自己的那部名声大噪的百老汇舞台剧《同性三分亲》改编成了电影,并重新塑造了阿诺德这个经典的形象。这是一部个人特色浓重的作品,既有趣又夹杂着辛酸。该剧讲述了一位同志在纽约这个对他来说格格不入的世界里对于爱、尊重和传统的追寻。在一段段情感经历中,阿诺德凭借自身浓厚的幽默感和敏锐的智慧,一点一点地试探着周遭人们对于真爱和忍耐力的普遍定义。在这个感人至深的故事里,哈维向我们证明:幸福是值得寻找的。 QAFTony Award-winning actor and playwright Harvey Fierstein re-creates his role as the unsinkable Arnold Beckoff in this film adaptation of the smash Broadway play TORCH SONG TRILOGY. A very personal story that is both funny and poignant, TORCH SONG TRILOGY chronicles a New Yorker's search for love, respect and tradition in a world that seems not especially made for him. From Arnold's hilarious steps toward domestic bliss with a reluctant school teacher, to his first truly promising love affair with a young fashion model, Arnold's greatest challenge remains his complicated relationship with his mother. But armed with a keenly developed sense of humor and oftentimes piercing wit, Arnold continues to test the commonly accepted terms of endearment--and endurance--in a universally affecting story that confirms that happiness is well worth carrying a torch for.