在白天,羽丘芽美(樱井智 配音)是就读于圣波利亚学院二年级的普通女生,可是一到夜晚,她就会变身成为行侠仗义的怪盗圣少女,在好友深森圣良(井上喜久子 配音)的帮助下展开劫富济贫的行动。芽美最大的对手不是别人,正是同班同学,自称为名侦探的飞鸟二世(冈野浩介 配音)。飞鸟强烈的正义感让他下定决心,誓要揭开圣少女的真正面目,父亲刑警的职业也为飞鸟的抓捕行动提供了便利,虽然屡屡经历失败,但飞鸟并没有因此而气馁。 其实,飞鸟一直占据着亚美作为普通少女的内心,但碍于身份无法向他表达,游走在双重身份之间也让亚美经历了一些特殊的惊险时刻。一个不断追捕,一个不断逃避,最终这本性善良的两人竟会迎来怎样的结局呢?Meimi's a bright and cheerful girl, who inherited her father Genichiro's magic powers and her mother Eimi's abilities as a thief. Now at night she turns into the mysterious thief Saint Tail and sets about town righting wrongs (usually stealing back things that innocent victims have been cheated out of), with the help and council of her friend Seira, who's also a nun in training who listens to people's stories. She tells the stories to Meimi, who turns to Saint Tail to settle the problem. But, although her objectives are good, to steal is a crime and Asuka Jr has dedicated himself to catching Saint Tail. But Meimi/Saint Tail likes Asuka, and this complicates matters a bit.