
原名:機動新世紀ガンダムX   又名:After War Gundam X

状态:机动新世纪高达x   更新:2023-08-25 03:08:29

这是一个人类科技高度发达,已可以自由出入宇宙的时代……   人们纷纷向太空的殖民卫星移民并形成庞大的群体,随后便为争取政治、经济地位而掀起运动,进而引发了地球与殖民卫星的武力冲突。   战火不断地燃烧,数以千万计人们的生命被一次次的战争埋葬。终于,“第七次宇宙战争”爆发了,这场战争几乎导致人类社会的崩溃。存活下来的人们,在荒废的地球上开始了艰难的重建工作,这一新的时代,被称为战后世纪(A.W)。After the colonies crash into the Earth, the few surviving communities are preyed on by those few who retain technology. A scrappy young boy is hired to rescue a girl from one of these techno-pirates, but comes to the realization that the pirate was a good guy as he falls for the girl.