一名天生具有领袖魅力的教徒平日云游四海乐善好施。有一天高速公路上巧遇汽车报抛锚的购物频的业务主管,这个主管为了拯救业绩频频下滑的购物频道,请求他发挥能言善道的天赋来吸引消费者。他不但挽救了购物频道主管原本快被炒鱿鱼的命运,也将电视购物变成一种宗教仪式...Ricky Hayman, right hand of Good Buy Shopping Network's owner John McBainbridge, is responsible for over two years of very bad sales numbers. He gets a last chance. Accidentally, he and Kate Newell nearly run over G with his car and decide to take him with them. What they never could guess was that G really is the one good man around. Being on the search for enlightenment, G offers his help generously to save Ricky's job. His natural, uncontrollable behaviour soon gets Ricky into really big trouble, but the sales numbers now go up for the first time in months...