花菱彩子是一個遠從地球來到這個陌生星球教書的老 師,而七宮若菜則是一樣來自地球在同一間學校求學的體育資優生,就在兩人興奮地展開新生活時,學校卻突然倒 閉了,兩人的生計也頓時失去依靠。正當彩子與若菜站在校門口不知道如何是好之際,突然從天上掉下一個巨大的 機器人,從裡面走出了一個神祕的女孩帕萊拉,於是三人 便開始了這趟艱險的旅程……Paraila was an agent for a war organization in the space, but suddenly the supreme court of planets accused her of betrayal and she was forced to be a fugitive to escape from jail. Now she forms a team with a clueless school teacher, a bazooka lover girl and Paraila's former sidekick. They will battle against Paraila's enemies, and try to go to earth to escape from space justice.