故事主要在描述出身于和果子世家的明日香(竹内结子饰)立志成为一位和果子师傅所经过的心酸.欢乐.及积极面对人生的故事。 全剧于大阪拍摄,竹内结子也因此在大阪住了将近1个月的时间,主演明日香高中时代开始,直到为人母,成为出色的和菓子职人为止。共演者有藤木直人、佐藤仁美等。本出「明日香」日本晨间连续剧,正是竹内结子的成名代表作,更是喜爱竹内结子的朋友不容错过的好戏。The 61st NHK Asadora Drama is Asuka. Set in Kyoto in the home of a traditional Japanese candy-maker, Asuka is the story of one young girl's dream to one day walk in her father's shoes and become a top candy-maker in the male-dominated world of wagashi (Japanese confectionery). Asuka grows to be a healthy, adventurous young girl with a deep curiosity and, a desire to become a candy-maker like her father. This NHK drama is one of the best in years with an excellent cast, a well-developed story based on extensive research into the traditional worlds of candy making and the tea ceremony in Kyoto, and beautiful scenery and settings in Kyoto and the surrounding areas.