唐乔和他父亲麦克为两骗徒,当乔于一行动中不慎误杀老爸时,麦克要他去找从未谋面的叔叔,他的命运就此改变。叔叔是洛杉矶下流社会的混混,助手艾迪则为一虐待狂,一见到乔便如和他有仇似的。 艾迪有位为目的而不择手断的美丽女友,她马上勾搭上乔,使其成为艾迪追杀的对象。同时,叔叔邀他进行一项大骗局,成功后可得两百万元,乔跃跃欲试,极欲重拾自己的信心和大赚一笔,但他发现每人均有私心,互相欺骗,毫不留情,最后他终于知道是谁在骗谁。After he accidentally kills his father, Mike, during a sting, Joe tries to carry out Mike's dying wish by recovering valuables that Mike's twin brother Lou stole from him years earlier. But Uncle Lou is also a confidence artist, and Joe is soon drawn into his increasingly dangerous schemes.