在加勒比海一个岛上,一个欢天喜地的嘉年华会正在展开,怎料两名久违了的友人却岛上相遇,他们分别是前任船长韦高连与前中情局特务吉上勋。过往的经历使两人陷于生死存亡之间,而友谊亦受到严峻考验。The island of Curaçao was discovered in 1499 by Alonso de Ojeda, one of Columbus's lieutenants. The inhabitants were Indians of huge physical proportions therefore aptly called "Isla de los Gigantes" or (Islands of the Giants). Within 20 years, the name Curaçao appeared on a Portuguese map. The island remained Spanish until the Dutch conquered it in 1643.