故事发生在十六世纪的法国,千金小姐马莉(梅兰尼·蒂埃里 Mélanie Thierry 饰)爱上了样貌可怖但内心温柔的吉斯伯爵(加斯帕德·尤利尔 Gaspard Ulliel 饰),可惜,这段并非门当户对的感情注定不会有结果,在父亲的独裁下,马莉最终嫁给了甚至连一面都没有见过的蒙庞西埃王子(格雷戈瓦·勒普兰斯-林盖 Grégoire Leprince-Ringuet 饰)。 刚刚结婚没多久,王子便征召入伍赶往前线,他将马莉托付给了查班伯爵(朗贝尔·维尔森 Lambert Wilson 饰),希望后者能保护马莉远离战火的摧残。在空虚和寂寞中,马莉意外的同吉斯重逢了,压抑已久的爱火一发不可收拾,但就在这个节骨眼上,王子竟然回到了马莉的身边,夹在两个男人之间,马莉不知道如何选择才是正确。Bertrand Tavernier is in top form with this gripping, superbly mounted drama set against the savage Catholic/Protestant wars that ripped France apart in the 16th century. Based on a novella by the celebrated Madame de Lafayette, the action centers on the love of Marie de Mezières for her dashing cousin Henri de Guise, thwarted when her father's political ambitions force her into marriage with the well-connected Philippe de Montpensier, who she has never met. When Philippe is called away to fight, she is left in the care of Count Chabannes, an aging nobleman with a disdain for warfare, and soon becomes exposed to the sexual and political intrigues of court.