
原名:侵略!イカ娘   又名:The invader comes from the bottom of the sea! / 侵略!花枝娘 / 侵略乌贼娘

状态:12集全   更新:2024-01-21 07:01:13

自古以来,人类与海洋的渊源就颇为深厚,人类之所以能够进步和发展,也和海洋有着不可否认的关系。然而,在海洋资源被大力开采的同时,严重的污染也随之而来,越来越频繁的海洋灾害让人类吃了不小的苦头。乌贼娘(金元寿子 配音)是海里的忠实居民,看着生存的家园被破坏,忍无可忍的她决定给人类一个小小的教训。   初涉陆地的乌贼娘还有些不太习惯,顶着一副可爱迷糊的萝莉外形,还未教训人类,自己就先失手打破了海之家的墙壁。无奈之下,乌贼娘只得留在海之家做打工妹来偿还墙壁修补的债务。在海之家,乌贼娘认识了个性好强的相泽荣子(藤村歩 配音),温柔可人的相泽千鹤(田中理惠 配音),活泼好动的相泽武(大谷美贵 配音)。对于乌贼娘来说,虽然惩戒人类的大计尚未成功,但是就这样和朋友们快乐的在一起,好像也是一种不错的选择。Squid Girl the japanese anime is about a squid girl from the ocean has come to the land from the depths of the sea to conquer humanity for its pollution of the ocean. Unfortunately she ruins the first house she uses as an invasion base and has to work to pay for repairs. Of course, she can't overcome the Aizawa sisters who manage the house, so who knows whether she can subjugate humankind. Rating: 9