13岁的风流小子唐尼(亚当·桑德勒 Adam Sandler 饰)生性放荡不羁,抽烟酗酒不在话下,更离谱的是,他竟然与自己22岁的女老师发生了关系还使其怀了孩子,老师入狱,将孩子汉(安迪·萨姆伯格 Andy Samberg 饰)托付给了唐尼。然而唐尼依旧是那个风流少年,根本没有尽到一个靠谱父亲的责任,于是当汉年满18岁,变愤然离开了父亲。 如今42岁的唐尼已经变成一个百无聊赖的酒鬼,欠下的税还足够让他在监狱里蹲三年。然而一个偶然的机会,唐尼在报纸上得知自己的儿子汉如今已经事业有成并大婚在即,为了避免牢狱之苦,他决定重新修复与儿子的关系以寻求资助。然而不请自来的父亲并没有得到儿子的欢迎,两人之间发生的一系列激烈碰撞不仅将汉一家搅得鸡犬不宁,还顺带把婚事也搞黄了……While still in his teens, Donny (Adam Sandler) fathered a son, Todd (Andy Samberg), and raised him as a single parent up until Todd's 18th birthday. Now, after not seeing each other for years, Todd's world comes crashing down on the eve of his wedding when an uninvited Donny suddenly shows up. Trying desperately to reconnect with his son, Donny is now forced to deal with the repercussions of his bad parenting skills.