走马灯,是指人之濒死,回顾自己一生的现象。走马灯株式会社,便是一处专供当事人回顾包含自己一生的DVD影像的神秘私人会所。它的入口可能存在于任何街道角落。当事人进入会社,听完引导人神沼(香椎由宇 饰)的讲解后,会得到与自己或者相关人年龄数量相当的DVD,并自行选择观看。 人的记忆可能存在偏颇,自己所了解的人生也不一定就是真实。走马灯的当事人们都生活在不自觉的谎言和悲剧之中,深爱母亲的儿子(洼田正孝 饰)、出轨的丈夫(柏原收史 饰)、追寻真凶的警察(山中聪 饰)……起初认为人生影像是玩笑的他们,在目睹了冲击性的画面后能否承受住突如其来的残酷真相?夜幕降临之处的走马灯株式会社里,神沼以诡秘的微笑迎接着形形色色的客人,淡漠的注视着一出出人间悲喜。 本剧改编自菅原敬太的同名漫画作品。Soumato Corporation is intriguing place where recorded images of one's life can be viewed on DVD. A person who happen stray into Soumato Corporation, will be handed DVDs equivalent in number to his age by Kaminuma (Kashii Yu), the company's mysterious guide. She will tell him to go back and watch his life to his heart's content. What he will see on these DVDs is his own life through the eyes of other people. He will learn startling facts that are better left unsaid. What will he think after watching everything?