从容不迫自有一套工作法则的小偷、婚姻不顺还跟已婚男人搞外遇的心理谘商师、美女画家以及自以为能用钱操纵别人人生的成功画商、明了一切并被追随者奉为神的男人、突然被迫辞职的失业男子无意中见义勇为救了一只(跟他一样落魄的)流浪狗…众多人物各自在五条故事线中登场,几个看似毫不相干的人,在短短几天之内各自发生了人生中重要的事件,他们彼此的人生互相交错,伊?幸太郎在此书中成功展现了不凡的叙事能力,将不同的故事线各自写的精彩,交错时又毫不混乱,最后收束於一个乾净漂亮的句点上,不管是第一次接触或者是熟悉伊?的读者,都能从这个故事中得到不同的领悟。In an omnibus film that is adopted from a novel, four individuals' lives come into focus. One is thief. One is a boy who believes in god. Yet another is a a woman councilor who not only is planning to kill her husband as she is having an affair, but is also involved in a plan to kill off her lover's wife. Then there is the former company employee who has lost both his job and family. The four lives and situations meander and cross paths.