
原名:Soul Men   又名:

状态:HD中字   更新:2024-05-26 05:05:02

谁也没有想到,弗洛伊德(伯尼·麦克 Bernie Mac 饰)和路易斯(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 饰)这两个其貌不扬的男人在歌坛也有过红极一时的曾经,而如今,乐队主场离开,乐队亦已解散,两人的情况都不容乐观。   一眨眼,十年过去了,主唱的去世为两个潦倒的中年人带来了新的希望,他们接到了阿波罗剧院的邀请重新登台,在好不容易劝说路易斯加入后,说唱二人组诞生了。可是,娱乐圈的瞬息万变让弗洛伊德和路易斯成为了无人买账的老古董。在压力和挫折面前,两人的友谊更是经历了前所未有的考验。一次偶然中,一段路边的即兴表演让两人明白,没有作秀,没有技巧,灵魂发出的声音才是真正的天籁。When R&B legend Marcus Hooks dies suddenly, VH-1 invites his original back up duo, Floyd Henderson and Louis Hinds, "The Real Deal," to appear at a memorial tribute at the Apollo Theater. Floyd, who's bored in retirement, wants this more than anything; Louis, a philosophical ex-con, does not. Plus, there's bad blood between them (Louis's wife Odetta left him to marry Floyd - then left Floyd). Floyd begs, Louis consents but won't fly, so they leave L.A. in Floyd's flashy Cadillac with five days to get to New York. On the road, they must get back their vocal chops, renew their friendship, and sort out the past. With Floyd's bad hip and Louis's bad kidneys, will they even make it?
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