Punch Line

原名:パンチライン   又名:

状态:第12集   更新:2024-05-26 01:05:42

伊里达游太(井上麻里奈 配音)只是一个平凡的高中男生,沉默寡言而又不露声色。一场意外之中他竟然灵魂出窍,就此来到了名为古来馆的公寓之中。为了找回肉身,游太必须找到隐藏在公馆之中的圣典,就这样,小小的一幢公寓成为了游太的整个世界。   呆萌可爱的当红偶像成木野美香丹(雨宫天 配音)、整天宅在家里沉迷于游戏之中的曳尾谷爱(寿美菜子 配音)、其貌不扬却身为超级黑客的台初明香(钉宫理惠 配音)、虽然身为灵媒师却不相信幽灵存在的秩父拉布拉(户松遥 配音),居住在古来馆的,是这些个性迥异稀奇古怪的房客们。在寻找圣典的同时,游太那神秘的过去也渐渐浮出了水面。High schooler Yuta Iridatsu has experienced "astral projection" i.e. his spirit has been separated from his body. He woke up in a mansion named Koraikan and met a cat spirit named Chiranosuke, who told him "You must find the Sacred Tome of Koraikan in order to return to your physical body." While searching through corridors of Koraikan, Yuta bumped into underpants of its female residents, and doing so would, eh, create some big trouble for planet Earth.