私立高中二年级生岩田广一(中村苍 饰)和青梅竹马香川绿(樱井美南 饰)在放学路上目睹了一颗不可思议的流星。次日,香川和同学大森健次郎在体育馆里看见奇怪电流在半空中划动又迅速消失。是夜,岩田以及香川等四人潜入学校探险,试图寻找白天出现过的“幽灵”,就在他们离开学校时,神秘电流再一次出现。 岩田隔壁的江原爷爷是个独居老人,经常出现幻觉。这天,一个奇怪男子山泽典夫(本乡奏多 饰)出现在爷爷家中,他自称是爷爷的孙子,他言行古怪,眼睛里还闪烁着神秘电波。次日,岩田班上来了一位转校生,居然就是山泽典夫。山泽典夫拥有专业的科学知识,举止言谈却相当怪异、不同常人。这个谜之转校生,究竟是什么人,他来自哪一个世界?Iwata Koichi (Nakamura Aoi) and Kagawa Midori (Sakurai Minami) are second-year students at Tozaiyama High School. One day, while coming home from school, they discover a shooting star rising up in the sky. The next day, Midori sees a shining figure in school and everyone on the school grounds starts talking about a ghost. At that point, a mysterious transfer student called Yamazawa Norio (Hongo Kanata) suddenly arrives at the school and moves in to live next door to Koichi. Strange things begin to happen frequently around Koichi whenever Norio appears. The reason and objective of Norio's arrival in this world is gradually revealed.