
原名:The Cookout   又名:户外烤肉

状态:97播放   更新:2023-08-25 04:08:21

美国社会中,黑人和白人的隔膜似乎无法消除,就像篮球很棒的黑人小伙子托德(库伦·潘德Quran Pender饰),尽管他以三千万美金的身价加盟NBA,一夜跻身富人行列,却无助于改变他的肤色和由此带来的麻烦。   托德在白人区里买了一幢高级寓所,并叫来亲戚朋友助兴,举行隆重而吵闹的传统烤肉宴会。正如黑人的性格那样,烤肉宴会奔放热闹,不拘礼节,成为人人狂欢的美妙时刻。   这在白人区里引来不满。在白人的眼中,如此胡闹的新邻居简直是这个片区居民的灾星。然而,他们却不了解了这群黑人的优点——他们团结互助,不畏强暴,赶走了前来搅乱险些闹出人命的歹徒。也许,善良友好的托德妈妈,乐观直率的黑人朋友,终有一天能打破黑白世界的隔阂。When Todd Anderson signs a $30 million deal with his hometown team, the New Jersey Nets, he knows that his life is set for a big change. To keep things real, he decides to throw a barbeque at his place -- just like the ones his family used to have. But when you have new and old friends, family, agents, and product reps in the same house, things are bound to get crazy.
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