
原名:Big Jake   又名:搏杀大绑票(港) / 乡下佬

状态:429播放   更新:2023-08-25 04:08:00

1909年,约翰·芬恩(John Fain)的帮派劫持了“大个”杰克·麦坎德利斯(Big Jake McCandles)的孙子,向后者索要赎金,“大个”杰克必须孤身拯救自己的孙子。The McCandles ranch is run over by a gang of cutthroats led by the evil John Fain. They kidnap little Jacob McCandles and hold him for a million dollar ransom. There is only one man who is brave enough and smart enough to bring him back and that man is Big Jake.
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