
原名:洋妓   又名:Virgins of the 7 Seas / Karate, Küsse, blonde Katzen

状态:DVD英字   更新:2023-08-25 04:08:14

五个西方女孩是由中国海盗绑架并卖到妓院。而他们被训练成为妓女,一对夫妇当地居民采取怜悯他们,并教他们功夫绘出他们逃跑。这五个衣着暴露的女孩,用他们的新发现的武术技能,然后....Five Western girls are kidnapped by Chinese pirates and sold to a brothel. While they are being trained to become prostitutes, a couple of local citizens take mercy on them and plots their escape by teaching them kung-fu. The five scantily-clad girls, using their newfound martial arts skills then fight their way to freedom.
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