
原名:アリオン   又名:ARION

状态:1集全   更新:2023-08-25 04:08:47

亚里安(中原茂 配音)本是普罗米修斯和潘多拉的孩子,然而潘多拉在还未生下亚里安之时就战死了,普罗米修斯拼尽全力才让亚里安有了降临这个世界的机会。之后,普罗米修斯因为盗取圣火而遭到了宙斯的处罚,亚里安辗转被德墨忒尔收养,可很快,德墨忒尔也遭遇了悲惨的命运,冥王哈迪斯趁机掳走了亚里安,令他相信自己是海王波塞冬的儿子,为了寻找父亲,亚里安踏上了旅途,不仅如此,他还发誓要杀死宙斯为自己的亲人们复仇。   诸神之战开始了,雅典娜作为宙斯一方,带领着地上的人民和海王展开了殊死搏斗,而亚里安则彻底沦为哈迪斯利用的工具。Arion begins with his journey to discover a world of poverty and horror where ordinary people are barely surviving through the war. He falls in love with a blind slave girl who is then captured and imprisoned on top of Olympus by Apollo, who dreams to rule the Titans. Now, Arion must lead an army of ordinary people to fight against the three war lords (Zeus, Poseidon and Pluto) with help from a thief, a giant, a wizard, a mysterious lion-masked man and a flying dragon.
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