第一次出国的艾莉西亚从加州到了南美,并和表姐的朋友们一起,踏上了一段远离城市的旅程。然而表姐半途有事而返,留下她与三个陌生人。这三个陌生人中,一个是时不时做出奇怪举动,说话不顾后果,甚至有虐 待倾向的同性恋,一个是郁郁寡欢,总是板着面孔,似乎对艾莉西亚做的任何事都不满意的大姐,还有一个是表姐那个看起来虽然友善,却痴迷于催眠术的男朋友。面对陌生的国度,奇怪的人,空荡的房间,狂野的世界,艾莉西亚脆弱的神经不断受到挑战。失眠、梦魇、幻觉带来了焦虑、惊恐、不安,艾莉西亚要怎样走完这一段旅程,又是否能脱离险境?Alicia arrives in South America to vacation with her cousin, Sara. When Sarah is suddenly called away, Alicia is stuck on a remote island off Chile with three of Sara's friends, including Brink, an American exchange student with a sadistic streak. Bewildered, frightened, and unable to sleep, Alicia's reality becomes a nightmare from which there is no waking. Ancient indigenous rites, disturbing animal behavior, and captivating hypnotic trances come together in an intense exploration into the darkest corners . . . when the games go too far, reality unravels with astonishing and deadly consequences.