
原名:National Theatre Live: Macbeth   又名:

状态:103播放   更新:2023-08-20 04:08:29

故事发生在处于战乱连年的遥远苏格兰。3个命运女巫的出现,道出了改变命运的预言。麦克白和班柯,两员英勇无畏的大将在战斗中力挽狂澜。国王邓肯将叛变的考顿爵士的封号和领地转封给麦克白,将王位传给了长子马尔康。麦克白和夫人合谋杀害了邓肯国王。因为惧怕班柯泄露命运女巫的预言,也杀害了班柯。女巫们提醒他要小心已逃亡到英格兰的麦克德夫。麦克白为求心安,最后还是杀害了麦克德夫的妻儿。马尔康和麦克德夫从英格兰请到了援军,直逼麦克白所在的城堡。3个命运女巫的预言原是一种双关语,麦克德夫最终杀死了麦克白,马尔康得到王位,成为苏格兰的国王。@www.aixiaoju.comAs Macbeth rides home from battle three witches stop him. They tell him that he will soon rise in power, first becoming Thane of Cawdor and then King of Scotland. King Duncan has just pronounced Macbeth Thane of Cawdor, and Macbeth realizes the witches were telling the truth. Macbeth's wife convinces him to kill Duncan when he stays with them and Macbeth does. He blames Duncan's guards for the murder and kills them before they can speak. Duncan's sons flee the country, Malcolm to England and Donalbain to Ireland. Macbeth rules like a tyrant, and kills anyone in his way, including Macduff's family when he can't find Macduff. Macduff goes to England where Malcolm with the help of the English king is preparing to overthrow Macbeth. Lady Macbeth has gone insane from the guilt of killing King Duncan and in the end commits suicide. Macbeth fights to the bitter end and is killed by Macduff.
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