理查德(雅克布·伊库伦德 Jacob Eklund 饰)虽然表面看来有一个美满的家庭,但实际上,他身陷一段婚外情中。这一天,他的情妇告诉他自己怀上了他的孩子,理查德知道,他必须做一个了断了。安妮塔(安·彼得伦 Ann Petrén 饰)曾经有过一段失败的婚姻,虽然已经过去三年了,但安妮塔仍然没有从阴影中走出来。当她得知自己的前夫奥尔夫(彼特·安德森 Peter Andersson 饰)即将再婚时内心五味杂陈。 安德斯(马格努斯·克雷佩 Magnus Krepper 饰)是一名建筑包工头,一天,他接了一笔订单,为一对中年夫妻装修房子。而在这对夫妻家里的所见所闻让安德斯明白,许多事情根本不是表面上看起来的那么简单。Sweden, shortly before Christmas. Surgeon Rickard is told the job he expected goes to a Dane, because of his substance abuse. It's too late to cancel dinner with his in-laws. The guest couple announces their in-vitro is a success. Then Richard's wife learns he cheated her with Sofie. Meanwhile ugly hag Anita trades drugs to afford a taser to use on her ex Olaf and his former physiotherapist. Workaholic builder Anders is disgusted by his grieve-deranged client Knut's plan and decides to spend time on his family, not just money.