
原名:Mr. Skeffington   又名:夕阳无限好

状态:75播放   更新:2023-08-20 04:08:20

范尼(贝蒂·戴维斯 Bette Davis 饰)是混迹于上流社会的交际花,每个男人都争相的想要目睹她娇艳的容颜和婀娜的身段。范尼有一个弟弟名叫乔治(沃尔特·艾贝尔 Walter Abel 饰),他在史格芬顿先生(克劳德·雷恩斯 Claude Rains 饰)的手底下工作,因为乔治的过错,导致他欠了史格芬顿先生一笔钱,为了还清债务,范尼只得嫁给了一直暗恋着她的史格芬顿先生。   姐姐和上司结婚的消息让乔治感到自己颜面无存,在大发雷霆之后,他走上了前线,参加了第一次世界大战。一晃眼数年过去,当范尼再次得到弟弟的消息时,得到的竟然是他的死讯,悲痛万分的范尼将这一切都怪在了丈夫身上。It's 1914 in New York City. Adult brother and sister Trippy Trellis and Fanny Trellis, whose parents are now deceased, were once wealthy, but Trippy squandered away the family fortune, about which no one knows except their cousin George Trellis and their many creditors. Fanny and Trippy still put on the façade to the outside world that they have money. The beautiful Fanny can have any man that she wants to marry, but she sets her sights on Job Skeffington, the son of Russian-Jewish immigrants. Job's wealth was self-made in finance. They met as Trippy was once employed by Job in his brokerage house. Fanny and Job, who is now aware of the Trellis' financial straits, ultimately do get married, much to the consternation of Fanny's many suitors, but most specifically to Trippy, who knows the reason why Fanny married him. Job also realizes that Fanny does not love him, but is unaware of the real reason she agreed to marry him. After their marriage, Fanny's suitors are still around with more joining the ranks, which Job does not mind as he is aware that Fanny is not leading them on. But when the reason for Fanny marrying Job no longer exists, their relationship changes. They have to figure out what to do, which now takes into consideration their daughter, also named Fanny. As time goes on, they grow into middle age and Fanny's physical beauty deteriorates, Fanny comes to the realization of what is really important in life.
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