
原名:Fidelio, l’odyssée d’Alice   又名:Fidelio, Alice's Odyssey / Fidelio, Alice's Journey

状态:HD   更新:2024-09-03 02:09:17

電影的法文片名Fidelio, l'odyssée d'Alice指涉三部經典,三部都有內心強大的女性角色:(一)貝多芬的歌劇《費黛里奧》(1814)關於感情堅貞;(二)荷馬史詩《奧德賽》中耐心等待海上漂泊十年的丈夫歸來的妻子;(三)《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》則是關於女性幻想與探索。《愛麗絲的情海》與《奧德賽》恰恰相反,三十歲的技工愛麗絲登上《費黛里奧》號航行,挪威男友Felix耐心等待她歸來,怎料船長竟是愛麗絲舊情人Gael。愛麗絲發現前技工留下的工作/慾望日記,勇敢探索自己與男同事的情慾,同時還得讓老貨輪平安航行。面對情海無涯,慾望蠢蠢欲動,人一生能擁有幾次真愛?Thirty-year-old Alice's occupation is rather unusual for a woman : she works as an engineer on a freighter. She loves her job and does it competently but even in a greasy blue overall a woman will be a woman, with her heart, her desires and her seduction... In such conditions can an all-male crew really remain totally insensitive to her charms? A situation all the more complicated as not only does Alice leave her fiancé Felix behind but she also discovers on board the Fidélio that the captain is Gaël, her first love...
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