1999年一个名为巴勒莱亚的邪恶机械帝国于月球建立了基地并向地球上的人类宣战。多个国家的大城市都被巴勒莱亚的先头部队所炸毁而日本正是下一个目标。 但人类不会屈服于这种威胁,由国际空军(U.A)的小组成员所选拔的成员组成“U·A·O·H=オーレンジャー”。并利用超古代文明遗留下来的“超级力量”来武装对付巴勒莱亚。600 million years ago, ancient mankind created a rebellious robot named Bacchus Wrath. Riki (Kingranger) banished Bacchus Wrath from earth. In year 1999, He returns to earth with the intention of wiping out all human life and bring about machine rule. Chief Counsellor Miura revived super energies that have been given birth by the lost civilization on Pangaea 600 million years ago. Assembling pieces of a stone plate uncovered three years ago, the secrets of "superpower" has been revealed. Miura builds a pyramid that generates Tetrahedron power-power that allows five U.A. officers to transform into Ohrangers.