接二连三的改革过后,当下的教师早已失去曾经的威严,PTA势力逐渐壮大已令教职员工有所忌惮,更何况还有无理取闹的怪兽家长的出现。在那些早已抛弃了谦谦君子面孔的家长面前,校方俨然成了弱势群体,教育工作更无法继续推进。效力于威尔逊•城山法律事务所的律师高村树季(米仓凉子 饰)擅长处理企业商务的法务工作,她毫不讳言自己对钱的热爱,作为常胜律师的秘诀就是绝不接受会输掉的委托。谁知就在某天,她接到了所长城山幸太郎(草刈正雄 饰)的支派,帮助S市教育委员会处理怪兽家长所引发的问题。原本不以为意的树季披挂上阵,结果竟然遭遇了生平第一次败绩。 不甘失败的树季辞去律师工作,决定全力迎战来势汹汹的怪兽家长……The term "monster parent" refers to mothers and fathers who complain loudly to school administrators about the treatment their children receive in school. It is considered a derisive label, implying selfishness to the point of irrationality. Itsuki Takamura is a young, efficient lawyer working for the firm Wilson and Shiroyama. She's assigned to advise and represent an elementary school that has been besieged by complaints from overzealous parents who are threatening to sue. Itsuki is forced to be an arbitrator in these cases even though she's short-tempered and hates kids.