
原名:Beyond The Sky   又名:邂逅未知 / False Memory Syndrome / Encounter

状态:HD   更新:2024-05-26 11:05:53

在克里斯(莱安·卡勒斯 Ryan Carnes 饰)7岁那年,他的母亲离开了家,父亲告诉克里斯,母亲被外星人绑架了,然而,这种话对于已经上小学的克里斯来说完全没有任何可信度。克里斯想要拍摄一部记录片来证明并没有外星人,以此戳穿父亲的谎言。为了收集资料,他参加了一个讨论组,并且就此结识了一个名叫艾米丽(乔丹·莘森 Jordan Hinson 饰)的女孩,据艾米丽所说,她每隔7年就会被外星人绑架一次。   一场意外的发生让克里斯开始动摇他坚定的信念,或许一切都没有他想象中的那么简单。母亲的失踪,父亲的言之凿凿,2小时空白的记忆,当克里斯越接近真相时,周围的一切就越让他感到困惑。When Chris Norton was a boy, he witnessed an argument of his parents. His mother leaves the house, there is a power surge and she vanishes. His father Peter Norton claims that she has been abducted by aliens. On the present days, Chris is a filmmaker that wants to expose the hoax about alien abduction that destroyed his family. He travels with his crew to New Mexico to interview people that claim that had been abducted by alien that participate in an alien exposition promoted by Bill Johnson. Chris and his camera Brent meet Emily Reed, who claims that was abducted when she was seven and fourteen years old. She will be twenty-one on three days and Chris decides to stay with her. They fall in love with each other while strange things happen to Chris and Brent. What is the truth about alien abduction?
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