德瑞克(杜恩·马丁 Duane Martin 饰)是一名正在法律系深造的大学生,聪明正直的他前途一片光明。一天,德瑞克接受了一份兼职,前往一处颁奖典礼现场充当观众,让德瑞克没有想到的是,坐在自己旁边的,竟然是流行音乐巨星吉奈尔(凯莉·罗兰 Kelly Rowland 饰)。在紧张和羞涩之中,两人交换了联系方式,并且开始约起了会。   德瑞克本以为这是一段绝对不会有结果的短暂恋情,可随着时间的推移,吉奈尔貌似真的爱上了德瑞克。糟糕的是,吉奈尔一直以为德瑞克是某家企业的高管,而为了面子,德瑞克并没有澄清这个误会。为了圆谎,德瑞克做了很多令人啼笑皆非的事情。In The Seat Filler, Derrick (Martin) is a struggling law student who takes a job as an awards show seatfiller to make ends meet. One day, he is seated next to the beautiful pop superstar Jnelle (Rowland), who mistakes him for a well-known industry executive. With an instant chemistry, the unlikely pair begin to date. But Derrick must scale creative heights to keep up the charade. When the couple begins to fall for each other, Derrick must chose between his conscience and the love of his life.
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