
原名:這些年那些事   又名:Never Forget Then

状态:第40集   更新:2023-08-20 06:08:06

该剧反映上世纪70年代台湾眷村生活的电视剧《这些年那些事》,将于28日起在台播映。该剧讲述情感故事的同时,也将台湾离岛和眷村风情呈现在观众面前。   这部以眷村为背景的新戏,刻画上世纪70年代的深刻情感,除了在台湾本岛取景,还远赴澎湖和马祖两大外岛拍摄。马祖所在的连江县县长刘增应在首映会上表示,希望透过该剧让更多人看到马祖的优美风光,助力马祖观光业发展。Time Ran Ran, when we recall the distant \"these years\" Impression is like a precarious, material poor age; Can be the people at the time, but still full of hope in the hardships, Young people in the ignorant in the exploration, toward tomorrow, The elderly struggled in their lives and tried to settle down. Big-time background of the unknown \"those things\" Has a multi-ethnic customs of the custom, but also the integration of the province and other provinces symbiotic, Both the dependents to take root of the warmth of the past, but also the beauty of the humanities of Formosa; This section of the cross-strait 60 years of history fragments, It is worth us to invite the audience to memorize this period of time memories - .
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