1941年,二战期间意大利法西斯分子开始在地中海用水下战车布置水下鱼雷破环同盟军的船只,于是拆弹专家莱昂内尔.克拉克中尉抵达直布罗陀海峡组织反击。但是他发现只有两名英国水手能够协助他,更令人担忧的是,那些意大利人在秘密地利用中立国西班牙的海港作为他们穿越而过的关键港口。在没有得到允许的情况下,克拉布和几个勇敢的志愿者冒险深入敌人的心腹,潜到敌人游击队的船下,安置一枚重磅炸弹,试图阻止意大利第10舰队卷土重来的诡计...In the Mediterranean in 1941 the Italians start using underwater chariots to mine the undersides of allied ships. Explosives expert Lionel Crabbe arrives in Gibraltar to organise defenses, but finds only two British divers available to help him. Even more worrying, it seems likely that the Italians are secretly using neutral Spain across the bay as their key base.