以人体脂肪测量仪、活动量计、步数计等健康器材享誉海内外的百利达(Tanita)公司,俨然成为健康生活的代言人。但可能是公司待遇过于优厚的原因,从副社长长谷川幸之助(浜野谦太 饰)到底下的许多员工,却都吃的脑满肠肥,其健康状况自然不敢恭维。某天,幸之助的爸爸——同时也是百利达的社长卯之助(草刈正雄 饰)突然病倒,这个背靠大树好乘凉的公子哥一下子被推上了最高决策者的位置。此时公司正准备开发新品,而卯之助也督促员工减肥以配合新品的宣传。愁眉不展的幸之助求助于曾有过营养师经验的同学春野菜菜子(优香 饰)帮忙。 百利达的减肥大作战正式拉开序幕,胖子们的受难日就此开始……The Tanita Corporation has developed the world's first body fat measuring device. The company itself also has many overweight employees. Because of this, the company finds it difficult to persuade perspective customers to buy their product. Company President Unosuke Tanida (Masao Kusakari) then orders all of his employees to go on diet. Vice President Konosuke (Kenta Hamano) hires nutritionist Nanako (Yuka) to oversee the project. Employees are to eat twice at a company restaurant, but problems arise in sequential order. With Nanako's magic recipe, employees at the company begins to see results.