舞蹈学院 第二季

原名:Dance Academy   又名:

状态:2   更新:2024-08-14 12:08:55

假期结束后,Tara回到了舞蹈学院。一直以来,她最大的梦想便是有朝一日能代表澳大利亚,参加世界顶级芭蕾舞大赛——芳婷杯。经过一年的努力,她从平凡若你我的丑小鸭蜕变成了美丽的白天鹅。二年级的她是否该把重心都放在跳舞上,以便在激烈的竞争中生存下来呢?总之,不管在跳舞、生活、还是爱情方面,她都有很长的路要走。   第二季中出现的新人,被英国皇家芭蕾舞学院劝退的Grace来到了舞蹈学院。与此同时,另一位新人Ben也成了众人热议的焦点,然而他却藏着不为人知的秘密……新人的到来会给舞蹈学院带来怎样微妙的变化呢?备受关注的几位主角的感情线又将如何发展下去?   这一季,又是满载梦想与泪水的一年。这是一个关于青春,梦想与友谊的故事。让我们在泪水中,笑着回忆那些青春,这些友谊。Chased from his bigot home, Sammy has already worked all summer as dishwasher to save up for the second year at the academy, yet he now denies being gay. He also took the job of dorm monitor supervising the new girls. Christian spent the last part of summer on the Webster ranch, nursing a baby kangaroo with Tara, now his partner. Everyone is excited that Sydney may at last host the Fonteyn cup, the world's most prestigious dance competition. Tara wastes her shot at a solo by failing to rehearse properly under scorned ex Ethan's supervision. Miss Raine's super-talented Royal Ballet-qualified London niece reluctantly joins the academy.
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