
剧情  美国  未知 英语 

原名:Glitch   又名:

状态:高清   更新:2023-08-20 08:08:42

三个年轻男子打算向一家大型手机公司推销一种全新的通信技术,以获得资金继续产品的测试。被公司拒绝之后,一人决定自己来进行测试。刚开始的测试都很成功,但渐渐地他们发现这项技术有一个缺陷,该缺陷可以给xxys5.com他们一种超自然的能力,影片最后演变为正邪之战。Three young people try to pitch a new technology for communication to a large cellular company in order to receive funding to further test their product. Upon rejection from that company, one of the three makes the rash decision to test the products on themselves. Upon the initial test, the new technology seems to work fine, but soon after the three discover that the technology has a 'Glitch'. The story revolves around the effects of the glitch, which seem to give some of the friends 'super' powers or abilities. Eventually, it turns into a battle with inventor of the technology against the other two friends in a fight against good and evil.
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