1945年2月,在巴黎的地铁里,一个工人金 迪戈遇到一个会算命的流浪汉.流浪汉预卜他将要和一个漂亮的女人发生爱情,而且就在几个小时以后将出现戏剧性的情景.不久.金就遇到一个逃避不幸婚姻的年轻女人玛瑙.玛瑙的弟弟盖伊也同样地接到了那个神秘的流浪汉的警告:他正在被一个不幸的死亡所逼进.盖伊不理睬他.盖伊告诉玛瑙的丈夫乔治,玛瑙已经和金坠入情网.因为怀疑金有武器,乔治勉强地接受了盖伊给他的枪..... 更详细的资料, 请访问: http://morricone.cn/master/master-022-2.htmIt's Paris in the winter after its liberation. A tramp, pretending to be Destiny, predicts that Jean Diego will fall in love with a beautiful girl. The same evening, Jean meets Malou. Not only does he soon discover that she's married but also that during the Nazi occupation her brother Guy gave Jean's best friend Raymond away to the Gestapo.