
原名:Americons   又名:

状态:73播放   更新:2023-08-20 08:08:54

2007年,加利福利亚百分之二十的人都从事房地产业。抵押贷款银行处于大量招聘人员,这时抵押贷款能手大卫 维斯游说备受经济压力的杰森 盖里,开始从事经济投资,为别人实现梦想。大卫使杰森坚信,要在这个商业中获得胜利,只有靠行骗手段才能做得红火,从评估员一直做到债券交易员,人人如此。杰森没惊住诱惑,一度将道德约束抛于脑后,一直熬到拉斯维加斯的抵押贷款大会,在那里他看到了他蒸蒸日上的事业同时也意识到了潜在的危机感。破产的泥潭上升为影片和如今全球经济持续不断传说之间的悬念结尾。The year is 2007 and twenty percent of the state of California is employed in real estate. Mortgage banks are on a hiring frenzy when hotshot Mortgage Broker, Devin Weiss lures the financially burdened Jason Kelley into this world of financing other people's dreams. He convinces Jason that to win in this business cheaters do prosper and everyone is doing it from the Appraisers to the Bond Traders. Jason throws his moral compass to the wind and spins out of control all the way the Mortgage Brokers convention in Las Vegas where he learns his new world is booming on a foundation of quicksand. The quagmire of ruin escalates into the indeterminate ending of both the film and the continuing saga of today's global economy.
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