《射天狼》主要讲述了辛亥革命到抗日战 争爆发前,发生在大西北的一段传奇故事 。该剧重要情节是围绕着日本人在敦煌莫 高窟全力寻找古老奇书《西域水考》展开 的,这部手稿主要记录了这条丝路上的水 源,只有了解沿途的水源所在,才能通过 这条丝路。而日本人寻找手稿的目的,也 正是为了把这条丝路牢牢控制在手里……Mainly about the Revolution to the War broke out in front, took place in the northwest section of legend. Important plot revolves around trying to find the Japanese ancient Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang Masterpieces "Western Water test" unfolded, the manuscript records the main water source of this Silk Road, only by understanding along the water where it can pass this thread road. The Japanese find manuscripts purpose, precisely in order to put the Silk Road firmly in hand.