东岛旭,15岁,正准备进入二坂高中就读。中学为止都是美术社的她,决定进入高中之後要参加运动性社团。而在因缘际会之下听到学姊说的一句:「薙刀是高中社团界的美国梦!即使不擅长运动的人也能因此轰动全国!」让她深受感动,於是决定加入薙刀社。虽然这让梦想中的粉红色青春就此远去,另一段热血又欢乐的故事却又即将开始──!When it comes time to choose an extracurricular club three high school freshmen pick the naginata one or rather it picks them. Asahi and her friends consistently train and improve including a bout under the supervision of a monk at the monastery. There are ebbs and flows, but the girls are determined and support one another. The film is a vehicle for the members of girl-band Nogizaka46.