如果有这样一个哥哥你是否会跟时秒一样每天都想暴走一百遍?!说好的,烤肠给妹妹,自己只吃一口,却一大口都吞掉;说好石头剪刀布,输掉的人去买冰淇淋,回来的时候却少了一个冰淇淋球;土豆炖牛肉连吃6天,最终变成根本看不出来是什么的黑暗料理。“我哥”那个人……霸气侧漏的妹妹“时秒”和懒散逗比的哥哥“时分”,可以因为各种日常小事冲突吵架大打出手,遇到困难的时候,却又坚定地站在对方一边,默默地守护彼此。 哥哥的好基友“甄开心”,傻白甜,也是颜值担当。妹妹的闺蜜“妙妙”可爱热心,差点误会哥哥是“渣男”……The Shi siblings, dance-trained Fen and martial arts-trained Miao, live in their impoverished single-dad's home, but it's Fen who cooks and watches out for his little sister, not their depressed and alcoholic father. Chaffing under Fen's ne'er-do-well ways, Miao reluctantly enters high school with him bearing one main wish - to be free of her ridiculous brother. As time passes she's realizes just how much he has done for her and how much she appreciates the fact that he is her older brother.