
原名:レイン・フォール/雨の牙   又名:雨落 / 落雨 / 雨落东京 / Rain Fall

状态:HD   更新:2024-05-26 12:05:06

日本建设部官员川村康宏在职期间被认为大量搜集美国方面的机密,为防止对本国构成危害,美国方面派遣CIA官员跟踪川村,时刻准备夺回据说藏有机密的U盘。在行动之初,CIA发现杀手约翰·雷恩(椎名桔平 饰)也介入进来。约翰是美日混血儿,越战之后受训成为成为一名独行杀手,足迹遍布世界各地,成为令美国政府颇为头痛的人物。当川村步入地下铁时突遭心脏病身亡,而那支U盘下落不明。在此之后,CIA、日本警察、日本黑帮相继行动起来,他们共同将目光锁定在川村的女儿阿绿(长谷川京子 饰)和约翰的身上……   本片根据美国惊悚小说名家贝瑞·艾斯勒(Barry Eisler)的处女作、也是 “杀手约翰·雷恩系列”(assassin John Rain series)的第一部改编。In Tokyo, a minister of public works is rumored to be taking evidence of corruption to a reporter: the CIA, the yakuza, and others want to grab the information and use it to squeeze the government. On the subway trip to meet the reporter, the official is murdered, but it looks like a heart attack. However, no one, including the murderer, can find the flash drive with the evidence. Now the CIA, gangsters, and the city police are searching. The dead official's daughters are in danger: the shadowy John Rain, ex-special forces and perhaps now in league with North Korea, tries to stay one step ahead as he looks for the flash drive and protects one of the daughters.
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