唐娜不惜一切代价想要当上一名警察。但是眼下,她只能被迫在一家埃及博物馆做一些无聊的工作来维持生计。但这一切都随着唐娜和一名叫尼尔斯的帅哥一同掉进一个石棺那一刻发生了转变。Dana is working as guard in the Egyptian Museum.One afternoon she notices a young man speaking mysteriously with another man.She thinks that he is thief preparing a robbery.Suddenly they shocked and fall in a sarcophagus.She feels that the young man has a hidden weapon and try to ask why,but the young man disappears quickly.The next day she sees the same young sitting on a bench outside the museum,she joins him, the man becomes nervous because a man his coming towards the bench.Then he says Dana that he is working in an undercover operation.Dana kisses the policeman as she could be his fiancee.The man who comes is interested in buying a piece of the museum,Dana presents herself as the fiancee of the policeman.The buyer invites them to dinner and Dana convinces the policeman to accept the invitation.